School Sports
Integral Sports provides the highest quality of Sports Education to young school-going kids. The School Sports Program is our first of the 3 phases of our overall playground-to-podium philosophy.
Creating a professional, safe & yet enjoyable learning experience for kids is paramount in our bid to increase participation levels in all Sports across India.

What we do
With support from our Internationally qualified, experienced & decorated Honorary Mentors we offer the best-in-class Pre-Primary, Primary & Secondary School Sports Programs to top Schools in the country. We bring the kids to the playground and expose them to all sports that the Campus offers & more in an extremely playful and enjoyable manner that kids love to come back to every single day.
Our main focus is on developing general Gross Motor skills in kids through an introduction to the fundamentals of various sports in a fun game format at an age as early as 5. This further leads them to choose sports that they enjoy the most and find themselves more suited for to begin basic level skill development in sports of their interest.
This whole process in the larger scheme creates strong school teams in each discipline to achieve sporting glory in Inter-School & District level tournaments.